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Barcode object: FAQ

Supporting SoftwareLink
What programs work with the ActiveBarcode control?
All programs that support OLE 2.0 and all programs that explicit support ActiveX controls like: Access, Excel, Word, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge (IE Mode), FrontPage, Visual FoxPro, Visual C++, Visual J++, Visual C#, Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), PowerPoint, PowerBuilder, C++ Builder, Delphi and many more.
You can evaluate ActiveBarcode without any registration or obligation for free.
Saving barcodes as image filesLink
As a developer I want to safe barcodes as image files.
Yes, simply use the methods SaveAs, SaveAsBySize or SaveAsBySizeExtended.
If you want to change the bitmap before saving, use the Picture property to retrieve the image.
The barcode or its picture property does not refresh or doesn't have any dataLink
I get an error stating the picture property is not set and does not contain any data yet.
If you use the Picture property in a time critical situation or doing batch loops, you have to give the OS enough time to do it's event handling. E.g. in VBA you need to use 'DoEvents' to guarantee that the picture property is correctly set with data. Alternatively you can use the CreatePictureBySize method before using the picture property.
Manually install the barcode controlLink
I am a developer an want to install only the barcode object manually on the target system. How to do exactly that?
You can setup only the barcode object or you can integratate the control into your own installation routine. A detailed explaination on how to redistribute ActiveBarcode can be found here: Distribution of the Barcode Object (ActiveX Control, OCX) with your own Application.
Object, OCX, Control: Entering control codesLink
How can I enter control codes?
Read on to find out more information on using control characters in barcodes.
Change font sizeLink
How can I change the font size?
The font size is set using the Font porperty.
You can change this property directly via development tools or via the properties dialog.
E.g. in Word: Right mouse button on the barcode -> ActiveBarcode object -> Properties.
Read check digitLink
How can you read the value of the check digit from barcodes that have a check digit?
The check digit can be read using the Checksum property.
Automatic barcode widthLink
Is it possible to dynamically adjust the width of the barcode to the required minimum based on the text?
You can create a function that does this in the TextChange event. Using the property IsSizeOk you can find out whether the barcode can be displayed or not. By changing the width of the barcode object, you can then quickly determine the correct value using an approximation algorithm.