API key required

Barcode REST API

Examples: Barcodes as a Service (Software as a Service, SaaS)

The barcodes are generated on our servers. The software installation and maintenance is completely eliminated.

ActiveBarcode: Highly accurate barcodes
Highly accurate barcodes
ActiveBarcode: Server-side generation
Server-side generation
ActiveBarcode: Automation
ActiveBarcode: Platform independent
Platform independent
ActiveBarcode: No installation & No maintenance
No installation & No maintenance
Here's an example of how to use it within your HTML page or web app:

<img src="https://api.activebarcode.net/v1/png?code=CODE128&text=ActiveBarcode&access=YOUR-KEY-HERE" />
<img src="https://api.activebarcode.net/v1/jpg?code=CODE128&text=ActiveBarcode&access=YOUR-KEY-HERE" />

This creates a barcode of the type Code 128 coding the text ActiveBarcode.
  • Parameters allow to create all barcodes types with properties as needed.
  • You can try out and evaluate the REST API by omitting the API key. Without the access key, the barcode will be branded with a notice: "For evaluation use only".
  • The ActiveBarcode API creates PNG and JPG images to allow a wide range of applications. Best practise is to use PNG because this format creates compact and loseless images and is therefore a perfect match for barcodes.

Example integrations

JavaScript, React:
Add dynamic barcodes via the ActiveBarcode REST API into any HTML project using JavaScript:
Make the API call on the server:
If you have the need to hide the API-key at your public html code, you can make the API call on the server. This php code snippet will give you the basic idea. You can migrate this to any other server side scripting language: wget:
Retrieve a barcode image file with wget or simply using ActiveBarcodeCLI. Visual Basic:
A barcode with the text of the input field is called up via barcode API and drawn into the picturebox.
A barcode with the text of the input field is called up via barcode API and drawn into the picturebox.
Excel & VBA (Visual Basic for Applications):
The value of the active cell is displayed as a barcode in an image using the barcode API.
Word & VBA (Visual Basic for Applications):
The value of a form field is displayed as a barcode in an image using the barcode API.
A barcode with the text of a input field is retrieved via Barcode API and drawn into an image.