Standard or higher

Property: Font

Font fontobject




Specifies the font by name, style, effects and the size for the text line.

The Font property is an object which illustrates the different properties of the font.

The usage of the font object is as follows:

Change the size:
Barcode1.Font.Size = 10

Change the Font:
Barcode1.Font.Name = "Arial"

Change the style and the effects:
Barcode1.Font.Bold = True
Barcode1.Font.Italic = True
Barcode1.Font.Underline = True
Barcode1.Font.Strikethrough = True

In some developing environments these properties are determined by enumeration types, e.g. Delphi. Have a look in the help of the developing system for information how to handle them.

ActiveBarcode: Barcode @ Font: Arial, 12pt, Bold
Font: Arial, 12pt, Bold
ActiveBarcode: Barcode @ Font: Comix, 14pt, Standard
Font: Comix, 14pt, Standard

Code examples

Delphi: := 'Courier New';
Barcode1.Font.size := 14; := [fsbold];