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Frequently asked questions

Saving barcodes as image filesLink
As a developer I want to safe barcodes as image files.
Yes, simply use the methods SaveAs, SaveAsBySize or SaveAsBySizeExtended.
If you want to change the bitmap before saving, use the Picture property to retrieve the image.
Black Box instead of a barcodeLink
Why do I just get a black box instead of a barcode when I embedded the barcode control in a form?
Your developing environment selected bad default colors for the barcode control. Simply customize the control and set the background color (Backcolor) on white (clWhite).
Crystal Report data bindingLink
I try to use the barcode control with Crystal Report and Visual Basic for usage on a report. I can add the control als OLE object, but I can't link a property with a database?
Crystal Report does not appear to be able to link properties of an ActiveX control. You need to make the data binding manually from your Visual Basic program. As far as we know, Crystal Report can't do this automatically.
Development environment: license issueLink
The development environment does not recognise the developer license.
Sometime the development environment like Delphi, Visual Studio or Visual Basic does not recognize the change of the license. This is because the license data is stored when adding the object to the development environment. Then it is necessary to insert the control again after the developer license has been installed. Please make sure the developer license is installed on the development computer correctly.
  • Start the development environment. Do not open your project. Now remove the control from the toolbox.
  • Close and restart Visual Studio.
  • After the restart insert the control back into the toolbox.
  • This time the correct license information will be stored in the development environment and you can open your project again and compile it with the correct license.
A detailed explaination on how to redistribute ActiveBarcode can be found here: Distribution of the Barcode Object (ActiveX Control, OCX) with your own Application.
The developer license is not recognized by DelphiLink
Delphi cannot create EXE files which work at the customer without own license.
Please make sure the developer license is installed on the development computer correctly.
  • Start the development environment. Do not open your project.
  • Remove the ActiveBarcode control from the development environment (the package).
  • Compile the package so that the control is really removed.
  • Now insert the control back into the package.
  • This time the correct license information will be stored in the development environment and you can open your project again and compile it with the correct license.
Following these steps will regenerate the component wrapper ACTIVEBARCODELib_TLB.pas. You can check the timestamp by searching for "File generated on".

A detailed explaination on how to redistribute ActiveBarcode can be found here: Distribution of the Barcode Object (ActiveX Control, OCX) with your own Application.
Barcode does not change in the picture propertyLink
I use ActiveBarcode with Delphi in a database. First I open a dataset and print the barcode. This works fine. Now I do this again with another dataset and now the same barcode is printed. I'm using the picture property for printing.
Add the following line of code to your project exactly before you create a new barcode: