EAN-18 / NVE / SSCC-18

Description of EAN-18 / NVE / SSCC-18

ActiveBarcode: EAN-18 / NVE / SSCC-18The SSCC-18 (Serial Shipping Container Code) is used throughout the supply chain as an identifier for item tracing and internal control. In Germany this code is called EAN 18/NVE (Nummer der Versandeinheit). It is always 18 digits long:
  • The first two numbers are the Application Identifier of the EAN-128: (00). You cannot change them. They are part of the code. You must not enter them. ActiveBarcode will add them automatically.
  • The first digit of the data field is the extension digit. Currently a "3" is standard.
  • The next 7 digits is the company prefix.
  • The following 9 digits are the serial reference number.
  • The last digit is the check digit. ActiveBarcode calculates this check digit for you. You do not have to calculate this number manually.

The SSCC-18 / EAN-18 / NVE is displayed using the symbology of EAN-128. The Application Identifier (00) is added automatically and must not be entered by you.


Technical data

Valid characters: 0123456789
Length: 18
Check digit: Calculated according to Modulo 10
ActiveBarcode calculates the check digit automatically.
Type#: EAN-18/NVE - #31 - CODEEAN18
SSCC-18 - #32 - CODESSCC18