Standard or higher

The Barcode Dialog of the Add-In

How to create or change a barcode

To create or change a barcode, the Office Add-In opens the following dialog window:

ActiveBarcode: Add-In Barcode Dialog

Here you can set the barcode according to your wishes and then transfer it into your Office document.


Select barcode type

ActiveBarcode: Select barcode type

Barcode type

Select the appropriate barcode symbology here.


Enter or change the character string to be encoded

ActiveBarcode: Enter or change the character string to be encoded


  ActiveBarcode: Text
Enter the text of the barcode to be coded here. Some barcode types also support the coding of control characters.


Adjust size

ActiveBarcode: Adjust size

Size in cm/inch

  ActiveBarcode: Size in cm/inch
Set the size of the barcode in cm/inch

Predefined sizes

Here you can quickly and easily select an automatically calculated barcode size.


Other optional settings

ActiveBarcode: Other optional settingsActiveBarcode: Layout


  ActiveBarcode: Font
Select the font for the barcode text.


  ActiveBarcode: Showtext
Decide whether the human readable text line is included or not.


  ActiveBarcode: Borders
Change the width and height of the borders an the notch length here.


  ActiveBarcode: Rotate
Select the orientation of the barcode in 90 degrees steps.


  ActiveBarcode: Alignment
Switches the alignment of the barcode.

Foreground color

  ActiveBarcode: Foreground color
Select the foreground color for the barcode.

Background color

  ActiveBarcode: Background color
Select the background color for the barcode.


Use barcode

ActiveBarcode: Use barcode


Click on "Apply" to apply the barcode or the changes to the Office document.


Click "Cancel" to discard the barcode or changes and return to the Office document.